Where Do I Find Gay Organizations Near Me? San Francisco Edition

Activists Walking Down The Streets Holding Signs for LGBTQ Equality

In San Francisco, numerous community resources focus on wellness, health, safety, advocacy, social justice, and education for LGBT individuals. Unfortunately, there were times when some organizations and community resource centers refused to work with LGBT people, so what could we do? 

In times of societal rejection, our community has turned to one another to demonstrate dignity and respect in a way that otherwise would not be possible. Several of San Francisco's LGBT nonprofits were created by volunteers who worked tirelessly to ensure that other LGBT people had access to housing, clothes, and food. 

In honor of the resources available to us, most of which are nonprofit organizations run by volunteers, we have selected just a handful to share! 

The SF LGBT Center

Providing community support, resources, and a safe place to congregate, the SF LGBT Center is dedicated to serving the LGBT community. In addition to career counseling and job fairs, the SF LGBT center offers a computer lab, social activities for youth, mentorships, workshops, and youth meals. The SF LGBT Center also holds more than 200 events every month.

Lavender Phoenix

Lavender Phoenix is a grassroots organization devoted to healing and restoring the land and promoting self-determination for queer, transgender, Asian, and Pacific Islander (QTAPI) people. QTAPI-led programs are available at Lavender Phoenix in leadership development, community safety, health and care, ecological justice, and movement building.

Brava for Women in the Arts

Brava for Women in the Arts is a professional arts organization that supports the professional development and creative expression of women, LGBT individuals, people of color, youth, and others underrepresented in the arts. As a part of its current programming, Brava hosts music festivals, film festivals, theatrical productions, comedy shows, lectures, live podcasts, and professional dance performances. 

The Transgender District

The Transgender District is an urban environment led by and for transgender people. Providing building ownership, businesses, homes, historical sites, and community space to the transgender community, the Transgender District stabilizes and empowers the community. There are currently six programming initiatives provided by the Transgender District: tenant protection, economic development, arts and culture, cultural heritage conservation, cultural competency, and land use. 

Equality California 

Equality California is an LGBT civil rights organization that advocates for social justice, health and well-being, develops a leadership pipeline, and increases civic participation among LGBT people.

Gay for Good 

Gay for Good is a national nonprofit organization that promotes diversity, fosters inclusion, and strengthens links between LGBT people and their broader communities. Gay for Good provides training and educational resources to community leaders that facilitate inclusive volunteer opportunities for LGBT individuals. 

Gender Spectrum

Gender Spectrum is a national non-profit organization that offers support and education to parents, guardians, grandparents, and others caring for children and teens who are gender-diverse. The organization also provides training resources for educators, medical and mental health providers, and other professionals working with gender-diverse children and young people. Gender Spectrum hosts educational events, groups, and conferences for youth and parents.

GLBT Historical Society

The GLBT Historical Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the understanding of the LGBT community in Northern California. In addition to extensive archival materials, artifacts, and graphic arts, the GLBT Historical Society offers a wide range of educational events and exhibits. 

It Gets Better

It Gets Better was initially launched as a social media campaign. However, due to success, the campaign has become a non-profit organization that provides educational resources, media programming, and motivational stories to uplift LGBT youth. 

San Francisco AIDS Foundation

The San Francisco AIDS Foundation is a nonprofit organization that addresses the needs of communities most affected by HIV/AIDS. Furthermore, the San Francisco AIDS Foundation provides services in sexual health, mental health, substance abuse, advocacy, public education, and community outreach. 

San Francisco Pride 

San Francisco Pride is a non-profit organization that works to educate, commemorate, and celebrate the heritage and culture of LGBT individuals and raises funds for local nonprofits


Volunteers are an essential part of the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus. Our volunteers devote their time and energy, ensure shows are run efficiently and hold down multiple forts when we need them most. 

Whether you've been to one of our concerts, seen us on tour, or attended a community event, you've likely met a kind and passionate volunteer; that could be you! We are looking for individuals passionate about creating change, connecting the LGBT community with one another, and fostering compassion through creating extraordinary music. If this sounds like you or someone you know, please consider volunteering with us for an upcoming event today!