Our "Fifth Section"

Whenever we perform, we sing for our siblings who are no longer with us. Over 300 members of the Chorus – known as the Fifth Section - have been lost to us over the years, many as a result of HIV/AIDS. Their names are memorialized in our concert programs and in the list below. Their spirit lives on with us and we honor their memory.

Jim Aiken • Skip Aiken • Jeff Alons • Paul Alsbach • Terry Althoff • Miles Scott Amen • Steve Amos • Paul Anelli • Matt Arietta • John Atteridg • Mark Austin • Edwin Barlow • Crawford Barton • Craig BeachlerRobert Beale • Glenn Beardsley • Jerry Berg • Marion Besco • Sam Bittner • Kristen Bjoernfeld • Bill Blake • Allan Blasdale • John Andre Bonnemaison • Jeff Bortin • Edward Brener • Larry Brenner • Peter Brockhoff • John Brown • John Brown • John Bryant • Jay Burwick • John Cailleau • Chris Campbell • Jack Campbell • Scott Campbell • Duncan Campbell Jr. • Nello CarliniTerry Carlson • Albert Carter • John Cashman • Bud Castleman • Marc Chapa • Mark Chapa • Henry W. Chau • Bruce Chelini • Al Cherry  • Ailexsis Gregory Chew • Bob Chinen • C. Brian Christianson • Andrew Chrystall • Michael Clarke • Kevin Conduff • Richard Connelly • Leonard Conner • Bob Connett • Gregory Cooper • Jimmy Corbett • Jeff Cothran • Clayton Cowan • John Crimen • Mark Crissey • Larry Cruz • Tim Curbo • Mark D’Angelo • Alan Da Cunzo • Bobby Darnell • David Davenport • Robert del Valle • Asa DeMatteo • Walt Dennis • Douglas Dickinson • Bob Dinsmore • Scott Dowdee • Tom Doyle • Brian Duckworth • Louis Dunn • Andy Einkauf • Alan Ellis • Patrick Elvander • Bob Emery • Stephen Eschenbach • Robert Espindola • Gary Falardeau • Jim Farmer • Michael Farrell • Frank Federico • Keith Fenton • Bruce Fetherolf • Clif Fields • Steven Filice • Justin Fingado • Brian Finnegan • Wyrant Flonory • Fredrick Floyd • Ted Foster • Mark Fotopoulos • David Fox • David Smith Fox • Jeffrey Fox • Jon Franck • Jim Franks • John French • Robert Frey • Evan Friedman • Don Frueh • Stephen Frugoli • Ryan Furtado • Scott Galuteria • Larry Garrigan • Gary Garrison • Perry George • Don Giberson • Keith Gockel • David Gooding •  Bill Graham • Philip Graham • Larry Griffin • Gordon Grover • Tom Gschwind • Gene Guenther • Dean Halsey • Andy Hammond • Dr. Mark L. Hamner • Dennis Haney • Jerry Haney • Robert Hawk • John Hawkes • Greg Hay • Art Healey • Frank Hecker • David Held • Mark Hermes • Paul Hernandez • Charles Herrington • Robert Hichborn • Tom Hickey •  Mark Hirano • Steven Hirshi • Rexford Hitchcock • Greg Holbrook • Richard Hollenbaugh • Jerry Horsting • Roger Hostetler • Clyde Howell • Douglas Jackson • Frank Jackson • Keith Jacobsen • David James • Scott Johnson • Albert Jones • Paul Jones • Mike JoyceKeith Kamrath • Robin Kay • Carl Kimball • Lester King • Rick Kirkham • Nick Knight • Diane Kohne Schuster • John Kovach • Tony Kramedes • Dick Kramer • John Krause • Thom Kumorek • Ka Lau • Greg Lawrance • Joe Leary • Kevin Lenzen • Randy Lerner • Jeff Lettow • Don Levine • Bill Lewandowski • Jeff Lewy • Ed Lichtenstein • Robert "Bob" Harlan LitvakGerry Lo Presti • Frank Lobraico • Wayne Love • Joseph Loza • Ed Lucas • John Lusk • Roger Luttrell • Michael MacDonald • Darren MacGavin • John MacKintosh • Mike Maguire • Terence Maguire • Jim Mahony • Renny Marinaccio • Gerry Marquis • Gerald Martin • Mickey Martin • Steve Martin • Tom Martin • Sean MartinfieldLeonard Matlovich • Roy McConahay • Steve McDowell • John McFarland • Mike McGavren • Tony McIntosh • Michael McIntyre • John McLeod • Michael Mele-Wagner • Pipo Micheli • Allen Midkiff • Glen Miller • Kevan Miller • Mark Mousseau • Ed MunozJim Murnan • Craig Neeley • Gary Newcomb • Al Nichols • Gregg Nicholson • Dennis Niswander • Ken Noble • David Norton • Ryan Nunez • Floyd Ohler • James Onion • Garry Osborne • Tom Pallerino • Nick Papadopoulos • Nelson Parker • Phil Pearce • Gerald Pearson • Chuck Pedersen • Roger Pelletier • John Perez • Norman Perry • Terry Peterson • Shane Petree • Rodger Pettyjohn • Donald Phillips • Harrison Pierce • George Piper • Orion Pitts • Brian Powdrill • Bill Powell • Terry Presley • Ted Printz • Steven Prokasky • Bill Pugh • Michael Pugh • Paul Pukas • Guy Rana • Lon Quentin RandBill Randles • Douglas Randolph • Melvin Rebhahn • Robert Rekart • Bruce Reynolds • John Reynolds • John Riccardi • Cameron Robb • Jay Roberts • Jim Robison • David Keleikini Roddell • Marty Roddell • Bob Rogers • Steven Rohrer • Jon Rollins • Dave Romero • Regis Rosetta • Steven Rozell • Lane Ruoff • Jim Russell • Mark Sallimen • Charlie Salumbides • Paul Sanchez • Patrick Santiago • Bill Schade • Steve Schmorr • Dan Schreiber • Frank Schumacher • Bob Scott • Roger Scroggs • Denny Sedgley • Robert SeeleyNeil Seymour • Ray Shanks • Dennis Shaw • David Shortridge • Lee Sierecki • George Silkworth • John Simo • Elliot SimonJon Sims • Tom Sims • Barry Singer • Fred Skau • Hal Slate • Rick Slavsky • Ted Smith • Scott Smitherum • Vince Sofia • Dale Kurt Evens Sorenson • Scott Squires • Jeff Stiarwalt • Jay Stinson • Jerry Stokes • Audie Stoufflet • Steve Sutherland • Burleigh Sutton • Timothy Tafoya • John Tallerino • Mike Tallmadge • Gregg Tallman • Joseph Taro • Lance Taylor • Tim Taylor • Kirk Tellier • Chuck Thayer • Curtis Thomas • David Thomas • Lavoy Thompson • David Thormann • Robert Thrower • Eric Tiffany • Bill Toner • Jack Torres • John Trojanski • Bill Tucker • Richard Vincent • Daryl Wagner • Karl Walker • David Warrior • Samuel Weaver • Robert Weinand • Leroy Westbrook • Jimmy White • Mark Whiting • Larry Whitlock • Gary Wilson • Ric Wilson • Aaron Wimmer • Gary Wintermeyer • Jim Wolfe • Michael Wolford • Ross Woodall • Eric Worden • Douglas Wright • Jim Wright • Claude Zetty • Jim Zielinski  

If you know of anyone whose name has inadvertently been omitted from this list, please kindly let us know by calling the SFGMC office at (415) 865-3650 or [email protected], so that we may add them to our Fifth Section and continue to celebrate and honor the contributions of all our members.