Our Fall Season 47 rehearsal begins on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024, with auditions scheduled for the following week on Tuesday, September 10th, 2024, and Wednesday, September 11th, 2024.

Please note: Any person interested in auditioning to be a Singing Member of SFGMC must attend one of two Pre-Audition Rehearsals, either on Tuesday, September 3rd, or Monday, September 9th; attendance at both rehearsals is strongly encouraged. If you are accepted, you are permitted four absences before the holiday show, and your attendance during the two rehearsals prior to your audition is included in that. More information will be available at your first New Member Orientation.

For more information on auditions, email [email protected]


We rehearse every Monday evening from 7:00 to 9:45 p.m., with a 15-minute break in between, along with sectionals and other special rehearsals as needed. There are two out-of-town weekend retreats per season and at least one in-town San Francisco retreat. While the full weekend is strongly encouraged, only the full Saturday rehearsal is required.

➜ Members of SFGMC are required to pay the following:

  • Dues are $25 per month

  • Wardrobe cost is approximately ranges from $100-$150 (one-time payment)

  • Retreat costs are determined by the choice of accommodations at the camp location. Rates typically vary from $225 - $350 for the weekend.

Complete information on costs and assistance will be available at the New Member Orientation.

Absolutely! SFGMC does not turn anyone away because of finances. We have our Financial Assistance Network, Ryan’s Fund, which is available in exchange for volunteer hours. Applications are available upon acceptance into the chorus.

Your amazing self! You will receive an email with the downloadable music that we will start learning so you can sing along with the chorus. The email will give you great pointers on what current singers do to have their music ready. Please download your music beforehand!

Our COVID-19 protocol is periodically updated by our medical team to be in accordance with guidance provided by local, state, and CDC guidelines. The full policy can be found here: SFGMC COVID Policy. In addition to our vaccine requirement, our policy includes the exclusion of all symptomatic individuals, a mask requirement when case numbers are elevated in the Bay Area, required reporting of COVID status by all members, and a robust contact tracing program.


  • There will be TWO Pre Audition rehearsals that you must attend in order to audition to join as a Singing Member with SFGMC. The date of the Pre Audition rehearsals will be on Tuesday September 3rd 2024 and Monday September 9th 2024. While attending ONE rehearsal is required to audition, we strongly recommend you attend both as this does count towards your attendance upon acceptance into SFGMC.

    Auditions will be held on Tuesday September 10th and Wednesday September 11th.The sign-up link for an audition slot is available at the bottom of the page.

  • No. All alumni and new members will audition on the same day with the same requirements, which does include singing a solo piece for the panel. Please note, if you are an “inactive member,” you do not need to re-audition.

  • Please arrive no more than 15 minutes ahead of time, as we anticipate the evening will be tightly scheduled. If you know that you will be late, contact the New Member Coordinator at [email protected]. Depending on the number of auditionees, you may not sing exactly at your selected time. There may be a wait. We recommend you request an earlier time should you need to leave at a specific time.

  • Auditions are open to any and all persons who can sing in the tenor or bass range, irrespective of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or race. However, if you want to stay involved with the Chorus as a non-singing member, please notify us, and we can get you in touch with our volunteer coordinator. SFGMC is volunteer-driven, so we always welcome this part of our community with open arms.

  • Yes. Please come prepared to sing a song or portion of a song (at least 16 measures of a song). You must also bring piano accompaniment (sheet music) with you for the audition. There may also be exercises geared toward blending, harmonizing and voice placement. The audition is very non-threatening, and you will be made to feel completely comfortable.

  • Auditions and rehearsals will be held at the newly renovated Chan National Queer Arts Center, home of the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus, 170 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA 94103.

  • Yes! We have members who have only sung in the shower before joining; some who have advanced musical degrees; and everything in between. Part of SFGMC’s formula of success is to take a mix of singers with diverse experiences in music. In addition to singing, we also need members with skills in many other areas. Singers should be able to comfortably sing between C3 and C4 on the piano keyboard - singers who can also comfortably sing higher will be placed in tenor voice parts, singers who can also comfortably sing lower will be placed in bass voice parts. Here is a video to give you a visual of the Octave Ranges.

  • We want you to be comfortable with your song choice. Your selected song can be classical, choral, pop, opera, Broadway show tunes, etc. However, you may not sing a cappella. We will have a pianist, who will play the sheet music you bring with you.

  • Yes! You can sing in any language you choose.

  • No. If you don't have a pre-recorded track or sheet music, our accompanist will be prepared to help you audition with "Happy Birthday." 

  • Not difficult at all! Choose one that you are comfortable singing. If you know you cannot hit a high note in a song, don’t try to impress the panel and fail. The audition is not about impressing the panel, it’s about showing that you have the skills to be a great addition to SFGMC.

  • The easiest way to do this is by visiting websites that provide sheet music. www.sheetmusicplus.com is a popular site that many auditionees have used. Please make sure you choose a song that is within your vocal range. The accompanist will not be able to transpose the music for you during your audition.

  • We have had auditionees play an instrument to accompany themselves. If you have a music track that you want to play, you are welcome to use that method too; however, please bring your own speaker as one will not be provided. Also, recorded music tracks cannot have other vocals singing along.

  • Whatever makes you feel the most comfortable.

  • Please bring printed sheet music for our accompanist in the key you wish them to play the song. Do not present a piece of music and request them to transpose it into another key. Other than this, just bring your true, authentic, and fabulous self!

  • SFGMC’s Artistic Director, Jacob Stensberg, the section leaders, and other Chorus leaders will hear each audition. In total, your panel may be about 12-18 people. You will not be asked to sing in front of the other auditionees.

  • The audition consists of a brief interview with our New Member Committee, your song selection (or a portion of it), followed by a few exercises which will enable the panel to assess your vocal range and ability. The whole audition only takes a few minutes and will be over before you know it.

  • The audition results will be delivered shortly after the final audition date (via email).

  • SFGMC welcomes all with all sorts of life experience you bring to this diverse community of passionate singers. We only require all who audition to be the minimum age of 18 years old.

  • Please do not be discouraged! While we would love to accept everyone, it is obviously not possible. You are always welcome to audition again in the future. Many members auditioned more than once before joining SFGMC. You may also consider joining SFGMC as a non-singing volunteer. We are a volunteer-driven organization, and we always welcome new members who wish to contribute time to our organization. The New Member Committee will be happy to put you in touch with the appropriate people depending on your particular interests.

  • You can reach out to Pablo at [email protected], he is more than happy to answer any additional questions to help you make your audition process the easiest and best SFGMC audition experience possible.